Metabolomics Winter School Opening Lecture
Monday, Jan. 27. Advances in gas-phase separations for multi-omics analysis, by Yehia M. Ibrahim, Scientist, Biological Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Monday, Jan. 27. Advances in gas-phase separations for multi-omics analysis, by Yehia M. Ibrahim, Scientist, Biological Sciences Division, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
We invite any and all interested parties to register to attend the 2017 ASMS Asilomar Conference in Pacific Grove, California, from September 39-October 3.
SECIM has new tools available to the public for metabolomics data analysis.
Join us for the Fall Lecture Series – April Gilkey, Local Account Manager and Technical Specialist from Phenomenex, Inc., will be presenting on HPLC Method Development (covering industry & Clinical) as well as covering new products for Sample Prep and clean-up solutions.
Dr. Peter Karp, director of the Bioinformatics Research Group at SRI International, will give a tutorial on Friday, July 8, from 9:00am-1:00pm, in CTRB 2161.
SECIM's Drs. Tim Garrett and Fariba Tayyari received recent recognition at the ninth annual UF/IFAS Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Research Awards on May 19, 2016.
Ms. Jacquelyn Walejko, University of Florida graduate PhD student, will present her metabolomics research on Wed., April 6, from 4-5pm, in MSB room M-304.
SECIM is proud to announce that its 5th Annual Metabolomics Workshop and Symposium will take place April 26-27, 2018 at the University of Florida Cancer and Genetics Research Complex (CGRC) in Gainesville, Florida. Registration will open soon!
Dr. Tim Garrett, UF Research Assistant Professor and SECIM Mass Spectrometry Core Director, will give an Analytical Chemistry seminar on Wed., January 6, from 4-5pm, in Leigh Hall 207.
SECIM hosted interested students, grad students, and researchers at the 2015 SECIM Fall Symposium: Advances in Multi-Omics. The event took place Tuesday, October 20.